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Easy Slimming!
Outstanding Leader---Azman Bin Mohd Som
Easy Slimming! 

According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) in 2018, there were 3.6 million Malaysians diagnosed with diabetes and Malaysia is one of the countries with most diabetes patients in Asia. Based on the survey in 2019, there were signs of increasing among overweight and obese Malaysians, increasing from 47.7% in 2015 to 50.1% in 2019. Excessive sugar intake is one of the factors causing this issue.

In order to restore people's health without losing the satisfaction and joy of eating sweet-tasting foods, Azman Bin Mohd Som, the founder of RCC Worldwide (M) Sdn. Bhd, has developed three types of health supplements with stevia as the main raw ingredient. Stevia is one of the 150 herbaceous plants in the sunflower (Astereacea) family. It is a tropical and subtropical native plant in the South and Central America. Since the 16th century, stevia was used by the Europeans as a sweetener and it was then spread to Asia.

3 Main Health Products UPGRADED Health
Research shows that stevia does not contain any calorie and its sweetness mainly originates from non-toxic stevioside. What's more amazing is that browning reaction will not occur when it is added into food and beverages. Thus, it has the reputation of "The World's Third Source of Sugar." 







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